Sources characteristics
Filters by source characteristic
Filter by media type The types of sources are displayed in the filter panel (Find out which types of sources are monitored by Semantrum) When you put the mouse on the media type icon, its title and the number of found publications are displayed. To ...
What is the size (weight) of the source
What is the size (weight) of the source Source size or weight is the degree of importance and influence of a source, based on the number of visitors, viewers or subscribers, depending on the type of media. There are 4 sizes of sources: very large, ...
Information about the source
Sources monitored by the system have a variety of characteristics, such as the type of source (Web, TV, press, etc.) or its country of origin. These characteristics can be used to customize the monitoring topic (for example, to collect data by a ...
Media types: displays and filters
The most important parameter of a source is its type. Semantrum accumulates data from the following types of media: Internet media, TV, print press, radio, social networks, review sites, job vacancies and online forums. Each media type and each ...
Source characteristics: Source category
The source category is a source characteristic detailing the type of source. The most detailed source category is web sources. The media topics in the theme settings or in the filters can be used to select sources such as TV channel websites or ...
Source characteristics: Source theme
Source theme is the areas it preferably describes, or another characteristic of a source by its role or belonging to a group of sources. By media themes in the topic settings or filters you can select sources, e.g. only anti-corruption sources. You ...
Source characteristics in Semantrum
Sources in Semantrum have the following characteristics: source name, source type, region (country), Ukrainian region, source size (weight), source audience, source thematic, source category, media holding, demographic and age (for social networks). ...