Creating a topic in Semantrum

Creating a topic in Semantrum

In the Semantrum, users can create and edit topics on their own. Find out more about what a topic and a monitoring object are.
Please note:
Creating a topic is only available for users with the 'Topic Creation' role. Learn more about user roles and rights

To create a topic, press the "+" button in the left-hand topic bar.

The number next to the "+" symbol represents the number of new topics that are available for creation. The number of topics available in the account is regulated by the tariff plan.
In the opening window, fill in the required fields.

Step 1: Write a topic title.

This is the name that will be displayed in the list of your topics in the system interface.

Step 2: Upload the topic image.

The image will be displayed in the list your topics.

Please note:
This step is optional, but the topic icon will make it easier for you to identify which topics are included in the news feed in the future.

Step 3: Enter keywords.

Use the tooltips to enter keywords.

In the keyword field you can enter a single word, a phrase, a phrase or a set of words/phrases using special characters.
To make a more complex query, use the buttons to add special characters. Use the search query language in Semantrum to search more effectively.

It also uses the same special characters as the thread search. It allows you to create complex queries with crossed keywords or negation of words and phrases. Learn more about the search query language in Semantrum.

Please note:
If you use brackets in your query for grouping, make sure that the brackets are balanced ( so that there are no unclosed brackets). If this happens, you will see this in the query creation window.

Hashtags in social networks can also be taken into account in the search query. In order for the hashtag posts to be included in a specific topic, it is necessary that the keywords contain the words from the hashtags, because often their spelling differs from the usual keywords (spelling in Latin, no spaces, etc.). 
For example: StandwithUkraine

Please note:
If you add a hashtag to the topic request, the posts with such tags that are already in the system will be added to the topic. However, you can also set up monitoring of posts by hashtags, i.e. set up special tracking of posts with certain tags. Setting up such monitoring can apply to both those hashtags that already exist and are used in social networks, and those that you are just planning to create. To set up hashtag monitoring, contact your support manager or write to the chat in the system. 

Step 4: Fill in the "Highlighted Words" section.

This is an important element of topic creation, as it is the words that will determine the tone of voice, role of the publications, and Direct speech (learn more about defining tone of voice, role, and Direct speech). Filling in this field also sets up the underlining for the words in that topic. If word highlighting needs to be changed on a topic that you did not create, contact your support manager or write to the Chat.

If no word in the highlighted keyword field is entered when you create a topic, all publications in that topic will be neutral and also will not have an automatically defined role.

Please note:
Only the main keywords should be added to the highlighted words, for which the tone of voice and role should be determined. If you used additional keywords to clarify a query (e.g. query My Company & Ukraine to get information about company activity only in combination with a mention of the word Ukraine, it is not necessary to add the additional word Ukraine to the highlighted words.It is also important to enter all main keywords in the highlighted words field, as publications that match the topic query, but where no word/phrase matches the highlighted keywords, will have a neutral tone and will not have an automatic role.

After entering a word or phrase, be sure to press Enter.

A word/phrase can be no more than 20 characters in length. You can add more than one word/phrase, but this field also has a character limit.

Step 5. Select the desired media types.

To customize the types of media in which you want to search for keywords, select the types of sources.
Do not select anything to collect information from all media types.

Step 6: Click on "Preview".

Click "Preview" to review the documents that are found for your query and see if it needs to be adjusted.

If you need to correct the request, edit it and click the "Preview" button again.

Step 7: Start filling the topic.

By default, documents start to appear in the topic from the moment the topic is created.
If you want to upload documents from a previous period, select the "Fill in history" check box.

Please note:
The system informs you about the number of days you can download a story and the number of available downloads. These limits are applied to the account and are regulated by your tariff plan. The " retro-filling" period is determined by your tariff plan and can range from 30 to 356 days.
Retro-filling may require some time.

To save your topic, click "Save". If there are too many messages found for the last 30 days (the number depends on your tariff),  topic cannot be saved. Please clarify the query for a more accurate search.

Please note:
If the Save button is not available to be clicked after selecting the checkbox to upload a story in a new topic, make sure that you have entered the topic name and keywords in the appropriate fields.

The topic has been created.
You can edit the topic and add a story to the topic later (read more about retrospective for filling topics). Also your colleagues with appropriate rights can edit the topic you have created (more about user roles and rights).

Enjoy using the Semantrum system!

                   Learn more about user roles and rights
                   Learn more about retrospective for filling topics
                   Learn more about editing topics
                   Find out more about deleting topics

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