Working with tags in the story view mode

Working with tags in the story view mode

In the Semantrum system, users can add tags to publications - labels by which it is convenient to further analysis of the data set. The system can also be set up to automatically add tags based on the presence of certain keywords in publications. Learn more about tagging posts. In the story mode (learn more about what a generating story is), users can edit/add/delete tags both for specific posts and for entire stories.

Mass work with tags in story mode

After the system has generated stories on the selected topic(s), you can proceed to mass work with tags in the story mode.
Review the posts in the story if you plan to add/remove tags in the entire story to make sure that all of them really need editing. 
Now you can add/remove tags in entire stories. To do this, select all or the desired stories and click on the tags icon in the publication action panel 
Semantrum users can choose 2 options for working with tags in story mode:
  1. add/remove tags only on the main post in the story - meaning only the post that is displayed in the post feed;
  2. add/remove tags on all publications in the story - all publications that you see in the viewing menu of this story.

Choose the desired action (add or remove a tag) and click the appropriate confirmation button.

If you need to add a tag to the publication/s that has already been used, you can start entering the name in the field and the system will suggest you the appropriate tag. If you need to add a new tag, write its name and press Enter on your keyboard.

Please note:

  1. If you add or remove tags on posts through the tool for selecting a publication or a story in the publication feed, the tags will be changed for all topics that include the selected posts. 
  2. Tags will change for all account users.
Enjoy using the Semantrum system!

                   What are tags and how can I use them?
                   Learn more about viewing in tag mode

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