In Semantrum users have the option to add tags on publications. If you need to highlight publications in a dataset, you should use manual tagging.
Tags can be grouped if they have a tag prefix - a word or several words followed by a colon and then the name of the tag. This prefix is the name of a tag group, e.g. Topic: Twitter.
When we have filtered publications by desired parameters, we can move on to their tagging. You can tag a publication in the news feed view or with the mass manual tagging tool for selected set of publications.
Search for publications in the topic/topics
First, you have to filter the publications by a certain parameter in order to create a tag. Take the example of searching for Twitter mentions in the topic "Elon Musk". If you need to find a word/person/company that has been mentioned with keywords in a certain topic, or if you want to check whether a publication has been included in a topic, use the Search field in the Filters panel. Read more about searching for publications in the topic(s).
Step 1. Select the desired topic/topics and press the OK button.
Step 2: Enter the words or phrases in the search field and press the OK button.
In this way, you receive the publications containing the search word(s) and reach the selected topic(s). The search results are highlighted in yellow in the publications to find the desired word in the text.
Please note:
- If you use a long phrase for search (e.g., article title), make sure it does not contain unnecessary characters, such as commas, full stops, exclamation points and questions. Characters that should be removed from the search query: ! , . ; ? =#№$/\
- Semantrum queries are not case-sensitive. Queries Kyiv and kyiv will be exactly the same.
You can add tags on one or several documents when viewing your newsfeed.
STEP 1: Browse the publication.
STEP 2: In the tag entry field, type the name of the desired tag and press Enter. If tags have already been created, a drop-down list containing a list of tags will appear when you add the tag.
Thus, we have created and added a tag on the selected publication. It will now appear on the left-hand side of the panel in the Tags tab and you will be able to find the publications you have tagged.
Mass tagging
If you need to tag several or more posts in a topic(s), use the mass tagging tool in Semantrum. Learn more about using the mass tagging tool here.
Enjoy using the Semantrum system!