What are tags and how can I use them?
What is a tag?
It is a mark that can be placed automatically or manually on the publications. It is a kind of classification feature. Tags allow filtering publications, generating graphics on them, and exporting data to a report. You can also set up automatic adding of tags by presence of certain keywords in publications.
What is the difference between a topic and a tag?
The difference is that by keywords in topics, publications are collected in an account and grouped by topics. And by autotag settings, publications that already are in topics, are only classified and grouped. Autotags and tags are marks/classification attributes on publications. This means that the publication was first added to a topic and then given/not given an autotag, depending on whether it matches the autotag setting.
Auto tags are additional automatic classification of publications that are already collected to your topics by keyword queries.
- Auto tags can be:
- PR campaign title;
- Speakers and experts;
- Individual brand product names;
- Top management;
and any marker words that need to be additionally monitored in an array of publications about your brand or competitor.
Support manager will help you set up automatic tagging (autotagging) in cases where tags should always be tagged on publications based on the same attributes (keywords and other settings). The number of autotags is regulated by your price plan.
While working with the publications of the selected topic/topics, you can find all tags tagged on the publications and their number on the right filter bar. You can also select one or more tags: cross them, combine them with each other and negate them.
Learn more about managing filters.
You can add tags to the publications in your account. You can add both manual tags and autotags you have set up in the interface. If you are tagging manually, when you enter the first letters a tooltip with a list of previously entered autotags and tags in your account will be displayed. In this list you can choose the desired option and put the tag on the document, or enter a new tag and put the tag on the document.
Learn more about tagging of publications.
You can manually delete tags on your selected documents or use the mass deletion feature on selected topic/topics documents. It is important to know that autotags are not removed from the tag list, even if you remove them on all documents in your account. To delete autotags from your account's tag list, write to the system chat or contact your support manager.
Tags can be grouped if they have a so called tag prefix - a word or words followed by a colon and then the title of the tag. This prefix is the title of a tag group. Tags with the prefix look like this: Person:Bondarenko Dmitry, where "Person:" - is a prefix common to the entire tag group, "Bondarenko Dmitry" is the name of this tag. For example, you need to highlight publications that mention certain individuals in your company, top managers, etc. To do this, you should write the tag as follows: Speaker: Dmitry Bondarenko, Speaker: Alexander Kulish, etc. Or you need to set apart your organisation's brends or products, e.g. Tesla: Model S, Tesla: Model Y, etc.
Grouping tags allows you to:
- see tags of separate groups in the filter by tags;
- in the tag view mode, see the list of tags sorted by groups and select all tags of a group in one click;
- in the graph mode, select tags of a certain group to get statistics for this particular group;
- in the interactive dashboard, select tag groups to build graphs for all tags of this group;
- in the export of the list of publications in the format .xlsx to receive data on each group of tags in a separate column, which will facilitate data filtering and building tables and graphs based on this export.

The system can provide a tag with some of these, but they cause certain problems in mass tagging.
Tag exports
You can export publications with the tag(s) you have selected, no matter which topic the publication with that tag(s) belongs to.
To export a publication by tags/tags, switch to tag mode (read more about viewing in tags mode), select the tag/tags and select the desired export format.
You can group publications in the export of the list of publications in .docx format by tags. This feature can be used if you need to structure press clippings by mentions of speakers, organizations or brands. To set up custom Word exports, please contact your support manager or write to the chat in the system.
Enjoy using the Semantrum system!
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