How to export publications from a topic in .docx format

How to export publications from a topic in .docx format

You can export publications from the system in different formats. If you need to get basic data about publications, choose the format of exporting publications in .docx. 
You can export publications to .docx
  1. from one topic;
  2. from several topics;
  3. from the tag view mode.

How to export publications from one or more topics

STEP 1. Select the desired topic(s).
To export posts from one topic, click on its name in the list of topics. 
If you need to export posts from several topics at once, after selecting the first topic, click on the checkboxes of the required topics and then click OK at the bottom of the list of topics. Learn more about viewing topics.

STEP 2. Select the required posts.
After selecting the desired topic(s), select the publications to be exported. You can select all the filtered publications via the checkbox on the publications panel, or you can select several necessary publications via the checkboxes on the publication cards.

STEP 3. Open the export menu on the publication action panel.

STEP 4. Select the export option - export the selected number of documents.

STEP 5. Select the export format .docx.

STEP 6. Select the option to export in the format of texts annotations.

When all options are selected, the file export will be started. A notification about the preparation of the export will appear in the bottom left part of the window. Wait until another message about successful export appears. Click "Confirm" and wait for the file to be downloaded.

How to export posts from tag viewing mode

You can export publications that contain the tag(s) you have selected, no matter which topic the publications with this tag(s) are in. 
To export a publication by tag/tags, switch to the tag mode (read more about viewing in the tag mode), select the tag/tags and choose the desired export format.

STEP 1. Go to the tag view mode.

STEP 2. Select the required tag/tags.

If your account contains tags from a group of tags, you can select the entire group by clicking on the checkbox next to its name.

STEP 3. Open the export menu on the publication action panel.

STEP 4. Select the export option - export the selected number of documents.

STEP 5. Select the export format .docx.

When all options are selected, the document export will start. A message about export preparation will appear in the lower left part of the window. Wait until another message about successful export appears. Click "Confirm" and wait for the document to be downloaded.

Enjoy using the Semantrum system!

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