Automated visual analytics (Charts mode)

Automated visual analytics (Charts mode)

What is "Charts" mode

The Charts mode provides access to a quick visual analysis of mentions according to selected filters. The main charts for quantity statistics of mentions are presented here.
Several tabs with thematically grouped graphs are available in Charts mode: general statistics, tone of voice, sources, tags, automatically identified people/brands/geographic names.

Please notice that the statistics on the graph completely shows the status of the filters, i.e. the data is shown for the selected period. The graphs will also be rebuilt according to which filters you select in the next period.

Data export

The data for each graph can be exported in different formats:

Absolute/relative indicators

For many of the charts, it is possible to move from absolute indicators (number of mentions) to relative indicators (percentage of total mentions).

What data can be obtained from Charts mode

On the separate tabs of charts mode the following information can be obtained:
  1. the dynamics of mentions over the selected period (you can select the step of the dynamics by yourself),
  2. top words,
  3. the dynamics of the number of mentions according to the tone of voice of the period (the dynamics step can be selected independently),
  4. distribution of mentions by tone of voice,
  5. top sources by tone of voice (TOP-30),
  6. tone of voice by types of media, media holdings, source country,
  7. statistics by media type, source size, source country, publication languages, source category and topic,
  8. top sources by number of publications (top 30),
  9. number of mentions by tags,
  10. number of mentions of automatically identifed people, brands and organisations, geographical objects (the number of mentions means the number of publications, in which the object is mentioned at least once).

How to select the time step and period on charts with dynamics

Depending on the period selected in the filter panel, it is possible to select a time step on the graphs with dynamics. If the selected period is less than 3 days, the dynamics is displayed by hours. If the period is more than 3 days, you can choose to view by hours or by days.  Further, depending on the selected period, you can choose to view by days, weeks, months and years.

How to get source data if the Top 30 is not enough

To obtain a broader range of statistics by sources of publications than is presented in the standard charts, an automatic report in .xlsx format can be useful. Learn more about the report on the topic in Excel. The "Sources" tab provides data on the number of publications, the tone of voice of publications and the amount of audience contact by Top 500 sources according to the filters used when exporting the report.

How to get statistics on top negative/positive sources

The Tone of voice tab in graph mode provides data on the top 30 sources by number of mentions with details on tone. Quite often, the main sources in terms of the number of publications in general are not the main sources of emotionally colored mentions.

To obtain the ranking of sources by desired tone of voice , it is necessary to select the desired tone of voice in the filter "Emotions" on the filter panel without exiting the graphs mode. The charts will automatically rebuild, and you will be able to get all the statistics for publications of the tone of voice you selected on the filter.

Topic comparison charts

If you are browsing several topics (2 to 5) at the same time, an additional tab, Topic Comparison, is also available in charts mode. Learn more how to view several topics.

The topic comparison charts allow you to compare:
  1. the dynamics of mentions in topics,
  2. the relative tone indicators in the topics,
  3. the number of mentions in the topics,
  4. the distribution of mentions in the topics by types of media.

Please note that when you view 2 or more topics, the Emotions filter operates as follows: if you select a tone of voice, e.g. negative, the system will find all publications., which are defined as negative for at least one topic.
In multi-topic mode, there is no Tone tab in the graphs because the tone is defined only in reference to a certain topic, i.e. certain keywords, and not for the publication in general.

What to do if...
If you can't find your desired result in the standard graphs, we recommend that you check the .xlsx file format. Learn more about the report on the topic in Excel. If you still can't find the data you need, please contact your support manager to set up a personal dashboard in your account. Please click here to find out what a dashboard can be.

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