Daily Digest
You receive a digest of the following indicators and visualizations in the body of your email:
- The total number of mentions for the period from 00:00 to 23:00 of the previous day and the % increase or decrease in the number of posts
- Distribution by tone of messages in %
- Distribution by role of messages in %
- Number of mentions in the main role and % increase or decrease
- Total coverage and % increase or decrease
- Rating by sources that wrote the most on the topic
- Distribution by regions Media distribution by number and %
- Media holdings that wrote about the monitoring topic
- Rating of top publications by coverage
- Rating of top tags
You will also receive an attachment with a digest of publications in Word for the period from 00:00 to 23:00 of the previous day. In it you will see a list of publications and a graph on the dynamics of publications every hour.
Weekly digest
In the email, you will receive a digest with the following metrics and graphics:
- Total number of mentions for the period from 00:00 to 23:00 of the previous week (7 full days before the day you choose to receive the digest) and % increase or decrease in the number of publications
- Distribution by tone of voice of messages in %;
- Breakdown by role in the messages in %;
- Number of mentions in the main role and % increase or decrease;
- Total coverage and % increase or decrease;
- Dynamics of publications for the previous week;
- Ranking by the sources that wrote the most on the topic;
- Breakdown by region of media sources by number and %;
- Media holdings that wrote about the monitoring topic;
- Ranking of the top publications by coverage;
- Top tags ranking.
Monthly digest
The analytical digest is sent every first day of the month and contains the following information about the monitored object:
- the number of publications that appeared in the news field for the full previous month and their dynamics as a percentage of the previous similar period
- distribution of publications by days of the month;
- days with the highest and lowest number of publications;
- audience coverage and dynamics as a percentage of the previous similar period;
- distribution of the tone of voice of mentions (positive, negative or neutral) and dynamics in percentage terms compared to the previous similar period;
- distribution of the role of the monitored object in publications (main, secondary or occasional) and the dynamics in percentage terms compared to the previous similar period;
- key publications, which are determined by media types and the role of the monitored entity in the publications;
- TOP publications by audience coverage;
- number of publications by user tags;
- information about the sources of publications:
o distribution of sources by coverage;
o countries of sources;
o if publications were published in Ukrainian sources, the distribution of sources by regions of Ukraine;
o sources that had the most number of publications about the monitored subject.