Sources in Semantrum have the following characteristics: source name, source type, region (country), Ukrainian region, source size (weight), source audience, source thematic, source category, media holding, demographic and age (for social networks). Furthermore, for some publications the author of the publication is identified separately from the source.
Almost all source characteristics may be used in the system as filters (except the source audience). More information on using filters on source characteristics can be
found here. Most of the characteristics are also exported (list of publications and report) in .xlsx format. In addition, information on source attributes can be obtained from reports in .docx format and standard graphics. Read more about the exports by
clicking here, and read more about the standard graphs
right here.The majority of source characteristics are determined by specialists when they are connected to the monitoring, based on an analysis of the content, source type, and source structure. Some characteristics are determined automatically.
- is the name of the source, determined by the resource details themselves. The source title can be used as a publication filter in the filter panel, you can get the source information in exports (publication list and report) in .xlsx format, in the report in .docx format and in standard graphics.

Please note:
If you need to get a source ranking for your topic and there are many social networks in the topic, try using the author data to build such a ranking, then you will see the ranking of users spreading certain information. The source ranking for social networks will provide information about where the information is being spread (pages and groups) rather than the authors of the information (pages and group post authors).
Source type
- Semantrum collects data from the following media types: Internet media, TV, print press, radio, social networks, review sites, job vacancies and online forums. Each media type and each social network is indicated by an icon next to the source name on the publication map. The source types are present in the source type filter in the filter panel and are highlighted in the exports. You can set up a permanent filter for specific media types in your user cabinet. Information on the source types can be obtained in the export (list of publications and report) in .xlsx format, in the report in .docx format and in the standard graphs. Learn more about
source monitoring and
displaying source types.
Source region
- is the source's country of origin. It is determined by experts for web sources; for TV, press, radio it is determined mainly by the information provider; for social networks it is determined by technical capability.
The source's region is determined by the following criteria:
- A direct reference to the source's identity, indicated in the title. For example, The New York Times is clearly a U.S. source, while Ukrainian Pravda is Ukraine;
- information in the site code or from website traffic monitoring services;
- data in the sections "about us," "editorial staff," "our team," etc.
- content orientation
This option can be used as a publication filter and you can also get information on it by exporting (list of publications and report) in .xlsx format.

Please note:
Some cases of source classification by region:
- All sources of Crimea are labelled as Ukraine country source, the filter parameter Source Area is Crimea.
- Certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine - sources clearly belonging to the occupied part of Donbas are labelled as CADR i CALR, not Ukraine.
- European Union - EU international resources.
Source region
- is the region of Ukraine from the source comes. It is defined by specialists for web sources; for TV, press, radio - it is defined mainly according to the data of the information provider; for social networks it is defined according to technical possibility.
Only Ukrainian sources have this kind of specialisation; only the regional sources have this kind of specialisation. If a source does not have a link to a particular region, it is marked as All-Ukrainian.
This option can be used as a publication filter and you can also get information on them in the exports (publication list and report) in .xlsx format and in the report in .docx format.

Please note:
For opening a source region filter on the filter bar, you need to select "Ukraine" in the filter by source region (country). After this, an additional Source Region filter will appear in the filter bar.
Source size
- is the "weight" of a source, the degree of its importance and influence. There are 4 sizes of sources: very large, large, medium, small. In excel-exports they are marked with letters: XL, L, M, S.
Sources which has data about coverage (size of its audience, measured in its average or total attendance) in the system, the size is determined automatically by the level of this coverage, the levels are defined separately for each type of media. Sources which do not have coverage data in the system are sized by experts.
This option can be used as a filter for publications and also to get information on them in exports (list of publications and report) in .xlsx format and in a report in .docx format.
Source audience
- is measured in terms of total number of visitors per site, number of viewers, print run, etc., depending on the type of site. Media View Forecast (post, TV story, article, etc., depending on the type of source) is calculated based on the media audience.
You can find out more about the audience of the source on the source card,
more details about this - here. More details about Media View Forecast can be found here.
Source themes
Fields which source mainly describes, or another characteristic of the source due to its focus or belonging to a certain group. Source may have several themes.
On the basis of media themes in the settings or in the filters, the sources may be selected, for example, only on anti-corruption thematic. Also, you can select top sources according to journalistic standards or main Ukrainian Internet media. Learn more about the source themes. This option can be used as a publication filter and you can also receive information on it in exports (list of publications and report) in .xlsx format.
Source category
- is a characteristic of the source, which defines the type of source. The most detailed category describes the web source.
For media topics in the topic settings or filters, you can select sources, such as sites of TV channels or official Ukrainian government websites. You can also exclude news aggregator sites from search results.
Learn more about the category of the sources.This option can be used as a publication filter and you can also receive information on it in exports (list of publications and report) in .xlsx format.
- is an affiliation to a medical holding. It is defined by publicly available official data. This option can be used as a publication filter and can also be used to receive information on it in exports (list of publications and report) in .xlsx and .docx format.
- a gender parameter (male/female) that is defined for individual pages in social networks. The system determines an author's status in the social network according to the data provided by the users personally, this parameter is determined by technical assistance. The groups in the social networks are matched with the value " Sociality" in demographics. Demographics is displayed in the export of the list of publications in .xlsx format.
- is defined for personal pages in social networks. The system determines the age of the author in the social network according to the age of the users, this parameter is determined according to the technical possibility. The age is exported in a list of publications in .xlsx format.
- is defined separately for each publication in the source, because online and print publications may have different authors.
For web sources, the author is determined by filling in the appropriate field in the page structure, if the author is signed on the picture or simply in the text, the system unfortunately does not recognise this as author information. For print presses, the author field is filled in by the data provider if it has the relevant information. The author is defined for social networks, for example, in cases where the user makes a publication to a group, the source field will contain the name of the group and the author field will contain the name of the user.
If an author could not be identified for a publication, the publication source data is duplicated.
This parameter can be used as a publication filter and can also be used to receive information on it in exports of the publication list in .xlsx format.
EEnjoy using the Semantrum system!