Grouping tags using prefixes

Grouping tags using prefixes

Grouping tags using prefixes

Tags can be grouped if they have a tag prefix in their names - a word or several words followed by a colon and then a tag name. This prefix is the name of the tag group. 

Grouping tags allows you to:
  1. view tags from separate groups in the tag filter;
  2. in the Tag View mode, see a list of tags organized by group and select all tags of a group in one click;
  3. in the Graph mode, you can select tags of a particular group to get statistics for this particular group;
  4. in the interactive dashboard, select tag groups to build graphs for all tags of this group;
  5. when exporting a list of publications in .xlsx format, receive data on each tag group in a separate column, which will simplify data filtering and building tables and graphs based on this export.

How can I create a tag group?

You can create tags with a prefix manually or provide the manager with a list of auto-tags with a prefix for setup. Learn more about automatic tagging of posts. Tags with a prefix look like this: Persona:Bondarenko Dmitry, where "Persona:" - is a prefix that is common to the entire group of tags, and "Dmytro Bondarenko" is the name of this tag. 

For example, if you need to highlight publications that mention certain persons of your company, top managers, events, etc., you should write the tags as follows: Person:Bondarenko Dmytro, Person:Kulish Oleksandr, etc. Or you may want to highlight your company's brands or products, for example, Tesla:Model S, Tesla:Model Y, etc. Learn more about tagging posts.

Please note:
In order to group tags under a prefix, they must be spelled the same way, without extra spaces or symbols, for example: Persona:Bondarenko Dmitry, Persona:Sviridenko Viktor, etc.

Viewing in Tag mode

You can browse the message feed not only in topic mode, but also in tag mode.Learn more about viewing in tag mode.

Forbidden symbols for creating and editing tags

The system may allow you to save a tag with some of these symbols, but they can cause problems when working with mass tagging.

Filters by tags

While working with documents of the selected topic(s), in the right filter panel, you can find all the tags that have been applied to publications and their quantity. You can also select one or more tags: cross, merge, and negate them. Learn more about managing filters.

Working with tags

Tags can be added to posts in your account, in the interface, you can add manual tags by hand, or set up auto-tags. If you manually add tags, when you enter the first letters, you will see a tooltip with a list of previously entered auto tags and tags in your account. In this list, you can click on the desired option and tag the document, or enter a new tag and tag the document. Learn more about tagging publications.

Users can manually edit/add/delete tags for a single publication or for a number of publications. Learn more about mass tagging of publications. You can also work with tags for entire stories at once. Learn more about working with tags in story view.

Exports by tags

You can export posts that contain tag(s) you have selected, no matter what topic the posts with tag(s) are in. To export a post by tag(s), switch to Tag mode (learn more about viewing in Tag mode), select tag(s), and choose the desired export format.
You will also get information about the available tags in the export from the topic you selected. Learn more about how to export posts from a topic in .xlsx format.

Tags without  prefix in the .xlsx export will be displayed in the Tags column. For each post, your export file will list all the unprefixed tags that are present on this post, separated by commas. The feature of tags with prefixes is that a separate column will be created for each such group in the .xlsx export. The column will have the name of the tag group, i.e. its prefix, and will contain tags of this group only. If a publication has several tags of the same group, they will be listed in this column separated by commas. Thus, you will be able to use the tag data exports for more convenient work with them in the future (for sorting posts or building analytics on your own).

Grouping posts in exports by tags

You can group posts by tags in the .docx export of the post list. This feature can be used if you need to structure press clippings by mentions of speakers, organizations, or brands. To set up special exports in Word, please contact your support manager or write to the chat in the system.

Statistics and visual analytics by tags

To get statistics for all or a group of tags, use the Charts mode. Learn more about automatic visual analytics (Graphs mode).

You can also get detailed statistics by tags in the interactive dashboard. Learn more about what a dashboard is and its features. You can get data on the number of mentions of a tag group in a topic from automatic reports in .docx and .xlx formats. Automatic report by topic in Word. Automatic report by topic in Excel.

Enjoy using the Semantrum system!

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